First Snow Of 2021

The first snow of 2021 fell on our little piece of heaven  January 11, 2021. It wasn't much but in these parts it might as well be a blizzard. It doesn't snow in the southeast as much as it used to. I remember growing up and missing school for a week because we got 6" - 8". In recent years I can't recall getting anything even close to those numbers. I for one enjoy a snow covered landscape and just being outside enjoying the silence. The environment is so different when everything is covered and insulated, the forest is so quiet and it's as though the only sound you hear are your own footsteps sneaking along a trail. Well no matter what part of the world you are located I hope the weather is just like you enjoy it and you and yours are staying healthy! Live Life & Enjoy the EarthOutside!!

Snow on truck
Snow On The Titan